All orders are 100% tracked. You’ll receive an email with a tracking number and a link to track your parcel once your order leaves our warehouse. Please allow 24-48 hours for the tracking link to start showing shipping information.
If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]
From our Europe warehouse location orders leave our doors within 5-6 hours. HotSmoke guarantees safe delivery of your orders. We exchange all damaged items. HotSmoke reimburses return shipping charges.
Please note that shipping providers are extremely busy during this time, and some orders might experience a delay on top of usual delivery times. If your order is late, please allow 5-10 days more than indicated in standard shipping times before contacting our customer service. Thank you for your understanding.
You may return undamaged items to us postmarked within 30 calendar days of delivery. If the return is not a result of our error, customers will be required to cover shipping cost both ways. Please make sure the item is returned in the original condition, with the original packaging and accessories. Return a product. ([email protected])
”HotSmoke” ‘is sold with the maximum warranty period of 12-24 months from the date of purchase. The warranty period for different products (models, manufacturers, etc.) may vary. The warranty period for each product is available in its full description.
MONEY RETURN HotSmoke provides its customers with the ability to test their products without any risk before purchasing them. If the product you have purchased does not meet your needs, return it to us within 12 calendar days after it is purchased and receive the money you paid.
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